Peasants Under Glass believe firmly in Juvenal's dictum: "Mens sana in corpore sano."
For this reason, they have developed the Peasants Under Glass Fit As The Pit Program. Originally intended for the exclusive use of the Peasants Under Glass Pit Orchestra, Fit As The Pit is now being made available to the public. The program rests on three legs:
The Platonic motto, "Know Thyself" sums up the mental approach P.U.G. takes to life.
And if there's one thing we know, it is that we are not good for sh*t before noon without the help of strong coffee and/or illegal stimulants. After that, it's pretty much a crap shoot. But what let's us get through the day is two little words. Emile_Coué advised his patients to say to themselves daily "Every Day In Every Way I'm getting Better and Better". P.U.G. has shortened that to a two word mantra they repeat before and after each tune: "f**ck it".
Peasants Under Glass recognizes that we are all one, and all share a common spiritual need. However, after many years of study, we have come to the conclusion that many paths which claim to meet that need offer false hope.
We share with you this hard-won wisdom from the Aquarium: there is only one true spiritual source